‘Dowel’ Bag - «The Tale of Tsar Saltan»

«The Tale of Tsar Saltan» painting
‘Dowel’ Bag
510 €
ID. 8704 ЦЛ

  • Weight 830 g, dimensions 217х231 mm
  • Materials: top-quality wood, premium-class paints and varnishes, 100% silk and flocking
  • Fittings: closure and chain made of precious metal plated hypoallergenic alloys. Chain length: 1100 mm
  • Painted by: Rimma Nechaeva
  • Type of painting: ‘The Tale of Tsar Saltan’

Other types of painting with a similar shape:
‘Dowel’ Bag

Model features

The uniqueness of this LADA&LIZA bag is in its unusual shape with smooth curves and a handle made integral with the item. The accessory is distinguished by a bright contrasting color scheme based on traditional Khokhloma gold and trendy metal fittings with precious plating.

The composition of the painting depicts the plot of a Russian folk tale. The images of a barque and a bumblebee together with folk ornaments are woven into a single mosaic in this innovative painting. 

The bag is fitted with a chain with decorated with flowers hand painted with miniatures and a swan with open wings. The product comes in an exquisite velvet pouch and a designer box.


The clutch bag is made of top-quality wood according to the traditional Khokhloma technology allowing to obtain a unique golden surface. The painting is hand made by an Honored Artist of Russia — this ensures that each new product is different from the previous one and makes a true work of art in a single copy. The exclusivity of the clutch is evidenced by the author’s signature.


The accessory is created with great attention to detail. Inside the bag, you will find a delicate printed silk lining matching the main pattern and a compliment in the form of a matryoshka keychain, which is also made in compliance with all stages of the famous Khokhloma gilding process. At the client’s request, the product can be personalized: a special label with the owner’s name or a wish in any language can be attached on the inside, making the accessory a priceless family heirloom.

Product parameters: Вес 830 г, размер 217х231 мм
Materials: дерево высшего качества, премиальные краски и лаки, 100% шелк и флоковое напыление
Furniture: замок и цепочка из гипоаллергенных сплавов с напылением драгоценных металлов. Длина цепи 1100 мм
Painting name: «The Tale of Tsar Saltan»
Painting author: Римма Нечаева

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